Category: health


Fermented Foods Good For Immunity

Before you start thinking “beer” or “cheese”, we’re talking more along the lines of yogurt, kombucha, kimchi, and sauerkraut. Back in July, a report was released as to why COVID fatalities were much lower in South Korea and Germany than in other parts of the world.

The Truth Behind Perception

Perception is a pervasive thing.  It permeates all facets of our lives, whether we acknowledge it or not. I’ve been thinking about it for quite a while, how perception has been both a benefit and a detriment in my own…

Taking Steps – Day 2 – Physical Healing

Tonight I hosted a twitter party/chat on the social documentary “Hungry For Change” (2012) on my @janifer twitter account.  I had seen the film before, obvious to those who have read my blog, but this time I wanted to get…

Taking Steps

When someone generally asks me “how are you doing”?  I tend to not know how to answer.  It’s not like nothing is happening, because life tends to feel like I’m racing from one end to another, however when I stop…

Juicing – Because You Asked

Hi folks, I want to thank you folks for following me and reading my blogs and watching my vids.  I’m happy that I’ve inspired a lot of you to go on a fast, however, a lot of you have written…

Spring Awakening – An Update

I want to thank all of you for sticking with me and for all of you who have just joined us, thank you for becoming fans.  Here’s the update. Singing – Sunday, May 12th, 2013, 10AM – I’m going to…

Juicing Day 8 & 9 Double Play Video

Sorry I wasn’t able to post up day 8 & 9 separately, but I’ve been having issues with my internet.  Thankfully I was able to put them up today. By the way, because of the success my friend has had…

Day 8 & 9

Sorry I haven’t posted them, but I’ve been working and haven’t had the opportunity to edit them yet. No, I have not broken. One more day to go! I’ve gotten some crazy looks from people I’ve told and more odd…

Juicing Day 7 – A Short Update

A very short update, now that this leg of my journey is coming close to it’s end. Thanks to all of you that have been watching and have been so supportive.

Juicing Day 6

Exercising, still juicing, and 4 more days to go until the 10 day fast is done.  

Juicing Day 5 – The Halfway Mark

I survived the trip to the movie theater. Went swimming and survived, And I’m now on the halfway mark. Just a little more and I’ll be done.

Day 3 – Cotton Mouth

Body is still getting acclimated, but I’m starting to feel some of the transitory effects. I found out just how weak I really am on this, the hard way.

Day 2 – Cravings

Cravings are starting to kick in. Some other interesting side effects I’ve started noticing after I filmed… My tongue is starting to feel fuzzy. I had this same sensation when I was on the lemonade diet. I’m also starting to…

Revelation: Habits – Last prelim day

The day before the fast and I’ve come to realize that it may be more than hunger or food addiction, but a fixation on chewing food that needs to be kicked…

Two More Days…

Two more days until the start of the fast… Am I ready?


I’m going to unintentionally sound like an info-mercial during this post, just to warn you. I’ve been overweight for as long as I can remember, and that’s not from lack of trying.  I’ve been on diets, had personal trainers, on…