Taking Steps: Day 18 – Intention

What is your intention?  When you do something, what is your primary goal?  When I started this course of action, blogging daily and doing this introspection and working towards a goal, my intention was to keep myself locked in on my goal.  My intention was to achieve something I had never achieved before.

It kind of reminded me why I became a follower of Christ.  It had nothing to do with saving myself from damnation, and truthfully, I didn’t really understand that part when I made that decision.  To me, that was all gravy.  The real reason why was best summed up in this scripture:

We love because he loved us first.
-1 John 4:19

My mom thought the reason I became a Christian was to make friends, and although I have made quiet a few friends through my journey, that was never my original intention.  I made this choice because it was what I felt was right in my heart.

These days, a lot of people make decisions like changing religions as a non-committal practice to get what they want.  Whether be the relationship, the job, or the social status.  I think what bugs me more about this practice is the disregard of what it means.  I understand people don’t value the same things that I value, however when it comes to belief, and involving the creator of everything, I’m not sure folks understand the gravity of the situation.

If your agenda solely involves “getting what’s mine”, and then handling the clean-up work afterwards, you may want to reconsider your actions, because eventually the bottom will fall out if you continue on that course.  This can be in any situation, whether it be in actions, promises, and/or involvement with destructive things.  It’s the rule of the casino.  The longer you continue to gamble, eventually the house will wipe you out.  The odds are never in your favor when your focus is on getting what you want continuously while sacrificing everything else for that desire.  There is no question that you WILL be left alone and empty.

(Note: the latin word for selfish is “ambitiosus”.  You can probably break it down to “us – ambitious” because another definition for this word is “self-interest”.  If your actions are for yourself, you’ll find yourself by yourself.  Be selfless rather than selfish.  And make your intentions be about the greater good.)