Taking Steps: Day 16 – More Than A Mouthpiece

While walking in my faith, I’ve come to understand that sometimes the limited way of our thinking is the illusionary gate that hems us in.  Maybe it was created by us or it was created by someone else and we inherited the lie, but it becomes more solid the more we believe it and we will occasionally defend it’s existence, even if it’s not really there.

I came across a discussion regarding a present day prophet who asked me to hop into the fray.  I had been avoiding it all day because I really didn’t have anything to say.  At the end of the day, I received a private message asking me to get involved.  I mentioned something quiet profound, and I just would like to expand it further with you.  Just because you receive a word about someone, does not mean you have to speak it over them.  Now for you Christians out there, this may be counter intuitive, but follow me for a second.  When you speak something over someone, if they don’t agree with it, they will oppose it, sometimes vehemently, if they don’t have any feeling about it whatsoever, they will begin to lean towards that direction, but unfortunately, both of these outcomes were based on you putting yourself into the equation.  There’s nothing wrong with speaking life into someone, but if it prevents them from connecting to Christ themselves, then we, even as good intended Christians, have done our brothers and sisters a disservice.

If we take out the Christian aspect, we as good-natured human beings, want to be of service to our fellow person.  If you study psychology, the need to be of service to others is one of our base requirements for personal fulfillment, but there are right ways and wrong ways of doing it.  When it is necessary, if you know something that will greatly benefit someone else, yes, you should tell them, but if you know of something that, if told, would prevent someone from making their own decision, then aren’t we becoming a crutch for them?  Parents try to teach their children to make right choices, but if they don’t teach them how, and just continue to tell them what to do without explaining how, that child will never learn.  When folks prophesize over others, most automatically go into the preaching mode, when what we’re being asked to do with the information is quietly guide someone.  Information is given to us not to be walking fortune tellers who can read someone’s future at will, but as guides to help folks draw closer to Christ, and if what we do draws them closer to us, and not closer to God, then Houston, we have a problem.

Human beings are more than just a mouthpiece.  Our guts feelings or the word that comes to us sometimes is meant to be acted on rather than spoken and sometimes these words are meant to be spoken in private for someone to mediate on rather than brought out for everyone to see.  To believe that this gift only has one form of delivery is short changing what God intended.  Information is powerful, and it is the responsibility of those who have it to think twice about how it should be disseminated and what it was intended for.