My 30 Seconds on Karaoke Battle USA 2011 (that’s about right)

When all is said and done, ABC decided to cut everything for the exception of a little over 30 seconds worth of footage of me during the East Regionals, which is fine.  I’m totally cool with that.  A lot of great talent unfortunately didn’t even get that much and just the fact that they’ve rehashed this 30 second clip so often in stills, clips, sound bytes, and the like in both the NY episode, the premiere episode, blooper reel, teasers, and trailers, I really can’t hate.  There’s enough confirmation that I was on this show to choke a horse!

So here it is, condensed to less than 1 minute.  Enjoy. ^_^

Note: I wished they left Joe Levy telling me during my on stage interview “you should be on television” in the clip, but hey, I’m not going to complain.